
We would love for you to be a part of this and share in our enthusiasm, so whatever your experience so far or your plans for the future might be, we can help.

At Kingdom College, we offer a wide range of qualifications, including apprenticeships and non-apprenticeship qualifications.

We want to help you experience how apprenticeships can empower the future of individuals and businesses. We have seen apprenticeships become a respected, exciting, and innovative way to help thousands of individuals and businesses get better results. We are here to help this progression continue and to keep adding value to your individual’s life, businesses, and the whole economy through our first-rate training delivery.

Our non-apprenticeship qualifications aim to develop knowledge, skills, and behaviour in the respected discipline, which will not be possible without our highly qualified, experienced, and skilled staff, every one of whom shares our passion and determination to help you progress in your future.


The following are the qualifications offered at Kingdom College: