Functional Skills - English Language

English Entry Level 1 – 3, Level 1 & 2

Course Overview

For modern workplaces, good literacy skills are important and employers are constantly searching for literate workers who can prove this with a valid and up-to-date qualification.

English Functional Skills offer important communication skills, knowledge and comprehension to enable learners to perform confidently and effectively at work and in their daily

lives. Born out of the CBI’s demand, functional skills in English ensures that the workforce has necessary skills for the country to be competitive.

Therefore, English Functional Skills are about improving the abilities to successfully communicate by speaking and listening, reading and writing, which can then be applied to other fields of study, life and work. Communicating and listening, reading and writing are be included in this.

We offer you a nationally recognized certificate, instilling the abilities that will enable you to acquire the confidence and opportunity to use English both at home and at work.

How does it work?

All of the Functional Skills qualifications from KC act in the same way. We function through the steps below:

  • Initial assessment

This would be to determine the level you are working at.

  • Diagnostic Assessment

It looks at various aspects of the course and finds the areas in which you are qualified and the areas which need further practice.

  • Customised Individual Skills Plan (ISP)

To support your studying, your ISP provides you with practice quizzes and assessments, video clips and other information to help you.

  • Final Preparation Stage

This is a phase of the course tailored to learners individual needs to help prepare for their final examination.

In order to help the learner, each learner is allocated a tutor to provide guidance during the learning process and to provide any required additional learning provisions.

What will I study?

Three different modules are used in the course material, each of which is evaluated separately. Both duties and reviews are based on real-life realistic circumstances that you can experience in your job or home life. They also include the use of presenting ability and the proper use of grammar, spelling and punctuation.

  • Reading-reading a number of various texts and processing the knowledge and referring to it.
  • Writing: in your own words, presenting knowledge and concepts.
  • Speaking and listening-participating in a conversation, listening and contributing to the point of view of other people, being able to present a small group with your thoughts.

Where do I study?

At home, at work or wherever you have an internet connection, you can study your lesson. You have your course at your side 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

How long does it take?

With KC, a flexible approach will be used with each learner having a tailor-made ISP, the tutor will allow you to qualify at a pace that suits your needs. The course consists of an average of 30-50 hours of instruction.

What does the course lead to?

You could advance to the next level (such as Entry Level 2 Functional Skills certificate after completion of Entry Level 1 or Level 2 after the completion of Entry Level 1) and many of our students move on to further study from there. Entry Level 1 – 3 is below GCSE Level, Level 1 is equivalent to a GCSE Grade D-E and GCSE Grade C is equivalent to a Level 2 qualification.

Entry Requirements?

There are no specific admission specifications.

How will I be assessed?

You will need to undergo online paper assessments for the Reading and Writing components to achieve the Functional Skills qualification, with the Speaking, Listening & Communicating exam orally measured.

How much it will cost?

The cost of our Functional Skills qualifications depends on whether you fit our funding criteria or not – please “click here” to find out how we can help you.