How Kickstart Scheme works?

A company is eligible for kickstart scheme if:

  • Role you are hiring for must be new, it is not replacing an old role.
  •  People that you hire must be 16-24 years old and on Universal Credit.
  • The job role should be of 6 months.
  • The scheme will be stating from November.
  • A minimum of 30 job placements must be offered in case a SME cannot offer 30 placement jobs. Then, you must apply through an intermediary.
  • Fully funded by the government; 100% of the relevant National Minimum Wage costs for 25 hours a week.
  • Claiming back funds, by hiring a candidate through an intermediary. Intermediary will deal with DWP (Department for Work and Pension)

How to apply for Kickstart Scheme:


Applying directly if you are going 30 o more job placements, you would have you follow these steps:

  • Register your interest in the job placement with DWP for a minimum of 30 jobs.
  • Advertise the job roles you are offering in the local jobcentres.
  • Go through the applications from all jobcentres and pick out applicants that you require.
  • Manage the process of recruitment from beginning to end.
  • Hire successful applicants and fulfilling the required compliance and contracts
  • Payroll the hired applicants on a monthly or weekly basis.
  • Claim the funds back from HMRC daily (process to be confirmed)

Through an Intermediary

If you are a SME or cannot offer at least 30 placements, you can apply with the help of an intermediary like us Kingdom College; you only have to do three easy steps:

  • Contact us and fill up a Kickstart Scheme application form.
  • The intermediary will submit the information to DWP on your behalf.
  • Once the application is approved than the local job center will work with you to provide you and select the best job placement candidates.

For further information how Kingdom College will help you as your intermediary, click here