Social and Environment Footprint

Kingdom College is committed to continuously reduced its environment footprint and benefit not just the local community but also society at large. It is the society which allows the business to generate revenue and without the support of the society no business can sustain, therefore, Kingdom College actively seek opportunities to benefit the society by protecting the environment and making positive contribution to the society. Some of the environmental and social commitments made by Kingdom College are highlighted below.

Environmental Sustainability

Kingdom College understand its responsibility to meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Kingdom College makes sure all the new purchases are energy efficient. Aiming to replace all the regular incandescent light bulbs with the fluorescent light bulbs by June 2021 to achieve the overall arching aim of reducing energy bill 5% every year. Staff at all the levels whether present on the employer’s premises or Kingdom College’s offices encouraged to turn off the lights, computers, and power strips when not in use and avoid to use heating or air conditioning as long as possible.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

A quarter of England’s waste is produced by its businesses as reported by waste resources action programme which increases the business responsibility towards recycling. Kingdom College takes disposing off or recycling the commercial waste safely and appropriately at the heart of the organisation. Kingdom College disposes off or recycle all its commercial waste by taking it to the  Greenford Road Re-use and Recycling Centre except E-waste and IT Asset disposition. The E-Waste and IT asset disposition is done through a specialist in E-waste recycling services


Kingdom College believes that when little drops of water can make a massive ocean, similarly, little socially conscious steps can have a huge impact on the society at large. Kingdom College is aware of its responsibilities as a global citizen, therefore, promote fairer trade by buying fair trade products and encourage all its direct employees and associates to do the same. Kingdom College takes part in fair trade fortnight annual promotional campaign which happen once in a year at the end of February and start of March. In 2019, fortnight campaign was aimed to calling on U.K. Government and companies to ensure cocoa farmers earn living incomes by 2030, in line with the UN’s Global Goals to end poverty.

Cancer Research UK

Approximately 450 People die every day from a cancer in UK. As part of the corporate social responsibility Kingdom College supports Cancer Research UK Charity to help beat cancer sooner. We are committed to support them by making donations every year and increase its amount. Kingdom College has just completed its first trading year and has limited avenues to generate income, Therefore, the amount of donation is small. However, we are committed to increase the amount of donations as we grow and support other charities which are helping the society.

Talent Nurturing

The Managing Director of the Kingdom, Faiz Amin Subhani has been involved in the teaching and designing of the curriculum of Apprenticeship Training Programmes at all levels, Further Educations and higher education for over five years. Thus, Leaders at Kingdom College recognised the significance of nurturing and investing in people and consider it as an integral part of the business strategy. Kingdom College Limited provides 20% discount on Training to the job seekers to help them to get onto the job ladder. Team at Kingdom College Limited also assist job seekers in CV writing and filling up the job application forms at no additional cost.

To promote on the job learning, Kingdom College offer apprenticeships to the existing and new employees. Kingdom College has a target to offer two apprenticeship positions each year and gradually increase the number to 10. The apprenticeship offers many benefits to the employees and Kingdom College’s customer as it increases the employee’s productivity by reskilling and upskilling them.